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Assess your Immune Goals

Is Artimuno Ultra Right For You?

  • Do you wish you could feel energetic, clear-headed and motivated like you did at your peak health when your immune system was functioning optimally?
  • Do you feel uncertain about your immune system's ability to protect you from the threats that today's world throws at you?
  • Have you tried other lesser immune boosters with minimal success?
  • Do you suffer from auto-immune conditions such as IBS, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, lupus, MS, or Guillain-Barre syndrome?
  • Has your immune system become sluggish after a serious illness?
  • Do you feel like your immune system is deteriorating as a result of a recent medical treatment or chronic health condition?
  • Do you suffer from a recent onset of brain fog, chronic fatigue, headaches, lack of energy ?
  • Do you find you're getting sick more frequently as you get older?
  • Do you want to naturally support your lungs, other key organs, and essential bodily functions?

If you answered "YES" to any of the above questions, Artimuno Ultra™ is the best solution to reach your immune & health goals.

  • Ensure your immune system is prepared for the next big threat.
  • Stay on top of science. Don't settle for outdated formulas that have been around for decades.
  • Start your journey towards peak health and optimal organ function.
  • Get the ultimate evolution in immune health, designed for today's perilous world.

The Artimuno Difference

About the Formula.

Artimuno Ultra™ is the result of over 1.5 years of development and was first released in June of 2021. Our team worked hand-in-hand with medical doctors and expert formulators to create the most powerful immune-boosting formula ever. We identified 6 of the most potent immune-boosting, science-backed ingredients from all across the world and obtained each ingredient in 20X-50X ultra-strength. This allowed us to fit the formula into just 1 easy-to-swallow capsule!

The result is an evolutionary, ultra-powerful formula that’s ready to meet the challenges of today’s perilous world. There’s nothing else like it. It’s time to regain confidence in your immune system again. Whether you’re looking for the best day-to-day immune support or want to be ready for when your immune system needs a boost, Artimuno Ultra™ is what you’ve been waiting for.

  • Fast-Acting Immune Support

    A Rapid Immunity Boost

  • Lung Health Support

    Assists in Protecting Cellular Health
    from Airborne Elements

  • All Natural

    6 Ultra-Powerful Natural Extracts

Get the Immune Booster Designed for the Future

Our Journey: Beyond Legacy Formulas.

The market is packed with 1000s of immune-boosting supplements. But If you look closer at the mainstream immune supplements, you'll notice they all basically contain the exact same ingredients! Sure, there are minor variations, but very little advancement has been made in the last 2 decades. All of these legacy ingredients do have some immune-boosting properties, and for a long time, this was sufficient for most people.

But in 2020, everything changed. "Good enough" legacy immune boosters were no longer sufficient to handle the challenges of today's perilous world. While research labs all over the world scrambled to identify the best pharmaceutical solutions, our team of formulators turned their attention and 25+ years of natural supplement experience to identifying the most powerful and effective natural immune-boosting ingredients.

Our search led us to look all over the world. First, we identified Artemisinin. A Nobel Prize-winning supplement that had grown in popularity in African countries. Approved for the treatment of Malaria, this was one immensely powerful supplement with a vast list of potential benefits including immune-boosting and immune regulation. In fact, presidents of various African countries were racing to acquire it for their citizens at the time. A mega factory was quickly setup in Africa with the capacity to produce 15,000 Artemisinin capsules per minute.

With our first major league ingredient identified, we were just getting started. We knew a synergistic combination of at least 3 ingredients was needed to create a really cutting-edge formula.

Next, we identified Andrographis, a powerful extract of Kalmegh leaves that had actually been known for its immune-boosting properties for quite some time, but was very underappreciated. A hidden gem in plain sight. Thailand was the first to really notice its potent immune-boosting properties and was so impressed with the results they saw, that it was made available in Thailand's state-owned hospitals.

As we continued on our path to creating the ultimate formula, our search led us to Mexico, Central/South America, and even Indonesia. There, the locals were quite fond of Guava Leaves, an extraordinary supplement that has many potential benefits, most notably its immune-boosting properties. Normally used for digestive issues, Guava Leaf is strong enough to aid locals with Dengue Fever. It also exhibits anti-inflammatory action in addition to blood pressure and blood sugar support. Unlike the first 2 ingredients that were made available in standard formats and through official channels, guava leaves grow naturally in these regions. So here, the popular method of preparation was to boil the guava leaves and drink the resulting tea. News of Guava Leaf's effectiveness spread mostly through word of mouth in Mexico & Central/South America, while Indonesia was conducting successful randomized clinical trials.

Then we made a short stopover in Europe/Germany. Ivy Leaf is commonly known as a decorative plant growing on the outside of buildings, hence the name "Ivy League Schools" referring to their age and the amount of Ivy covering the buildings. But don't let its decorative nature fool you, it appears Ivy Leaf hides some serious lung support power. While only known decoratively in the Western world, Ivy Leaf is approved for treating Bronchitis/Pneumonia symptoms in the EU and Germany. We knew lung support was a critical part of our formula, and we were more than confident that we had found the right ingredient to meet that need.

Next, we stumbled onto an unexpected ingredient that was quickly gaining popularity in Romania. We know bees produce many beneficial things in addition to honey, and Bee Propolis is one of their most potent/beneficial creations. While many may be familiar with the benefits of bee products, it was the potency and effectiveness of the Bee Propolis that was truly surprising to us. In addition to learning about its effectiveness from Romania, they also illustrated the importance of using a highly concentrated extract to be effective, since most of the Propolis sold is quite watered down. And since Propolis is popular globally, it wasn't just Romania that noticed. Brazil, which is famous for Brazilian green propolis, was quick to launch studies, while Turkey and Iran also took notice.

One concern we became aware of during our journey was the importance of maintaining normal Platelet Levels and knew our formula should address this as well. Normal Platelet Levels are key to a well-functioning immune system. At the time, we encountered many user reports & lab results showing that these levels were dropping drastically during the course of illness. To find the solution, we headed to India, where the locals are constantly exposed to Dengue Fever, whose main symptom is extremely low Platelet Levels! So what does India turn to? Papaya Extract is their go-to for Dengue Fever. There have been many studies conducted on Papaya Extract demonstrating its potential to maintain normal Platelet Levels during Dengue Fever.

At this point, we were confident we were almost at the finish line. Another goal for our formula was to add some cumulative long-term benefits, which is why we decided to add Vitamin D. Supplementing with Vitamin D increases your levels slowly over the course of many weeks/months. And studies show the higher your overall Vitamin D levels are, the less susceptive you are to severe illness.

With 1,000s of legacy immune-boosting formulas on the market, we know the choice can be difficult. Now that you've followed our journey across the globe and saw how we meticulously selected each of our ingredients, you can be confident that you are getting the absolute best Immune-Boosting formula available. Can you say any other formulas went through such a intricate journey to identify their ingredients? And were these other formulas created post-2020?

How We Created the Most Powerful Immune Booster

Creation of Artimuno Ultra™.

Our team of expert formulators worked hand in hand with medical doctors and researchers from around the world to create the most powerful immune boosting formula EVER.

After over a year on our journey across the globe and meticulous research & testing, we had finally identified the top 6 Ultra-Powerful Ingredients from all across the world: Artemisinin, Andrographis, Guava Leaf, Ivy Leaf, Papaya Extract, and Bee Propolis, all fortified with Vitamin D. Not only did these ingredients meet our immune-boosting requirements, but we found that many also offered a wide range of key organ and bodily function support.

Now we faced our next big challenge: to fit the therapeutic amount of each ingredient into 1 easy-to-swallow capsule.

To achieve this, we reached out to the most reputable ingredient suppliers from all across the world in search of the most powerful extracts, which would finally allow us to squeeze the proper therapeutic amount of each ingredient into just 1 capsule!

We were warned repeatedly that this approach would make it VERY EXPENSIVE to produce.

Our formulators asked us over and over again, "Are you sure you want this strength of each ingredient? We can use a lower strength to reduce the cost."

Each time, we said: NO!

We didn’t care about the cost.

Forget about inferior immune formulas that just don’t work. Even the right ingredients if used in weak concentration wouldn't accomplish our goal.

Our goal was simply to create the greatest immune boosting formula EVER, regardless of the cost.

We went “ALL IN”... no compromises!

The expert formulation and manufacturing was not an easy task, and we faced many challenges along the way... but one day we finally had the breakthrough we needed! We had finally found the right strength extract of EACH ingredient!

We're ecstatic to announce that we have developed the strongest immune boosting formula ever: ARTIMUNO ULTRA™

And this is NOT just hype.

Our formula contains the equivalent of 9,500mg (0.35 oz) of raw plant & bee products PER CAPSULE! In other words, each capsule is equivalent to 25 capsules if we had used lower-strength ingredients. All of the Ingredients were carefully selected to meet post-2020 challenges. And we certainly didn't neglect the science. Between the 6 natural ingredients, there are over 300 scientific studies demonstrating not just their immune supporting properties but also support of key organs and a wide range of other potential benefits.

There’s not a single immune formula on the market that can compare, or even come close, period!

Our Formula Takes You Beyond Immunity

Beyond Immunity.

The body is a deeply interconnected system and if one organ or bodily function is not performing optimally, it negatively effects the immune system as a whole. This is why supporting key organs and bodily functions is a hidden key to immune system health.

In addition to immune-boosting properties, our formula also supports a variety of key organs and assists in regulating essential bodily functions: By directly supporting key organs and key bodily functions that are most strained during an infection (such as the lungs and cardiovascular system) or as a result of a chronic health condition, the result is a better functioning immune system leading to much quicker recovery and significantly reduced long-term effects from infections/illnesses. Other immune formulas and combinational protocols don't offer anywhere near this wide-range of potential benefits and key organ/function support.

As we age, our immune system is not as robust as it was when we were younger, and our organs and certain bodily functions don't perform as optimally as they used to without the right support. Even if you're just in your 30s, your body is not as fine-tuned as it was in your early 20s. You may notice you're not able to push your body as hard as you used to when you were younger or handle a night of excessive drinking as well as you used to. Our formula is specifically designed to provide support for both of these age-related issues in just one veggie capsule!

15 Potential Key Benefits

Potential Benefits.


Immune Support

Fast-Acting Immune System Booster*


Lung Health Support

Supports Healthy Lung/Bronchial Function*


Blood Sugar Levels

Supports Normal Blood Sugar Levels*



Supports Healthy Cardiovascular Function*


Blood Pressure

Supports Normal Blood Pressure*


Cognitive Support

Supports Optimal Cognitive Function*


Normal Blood Flow

Assists with Normal Blood Flow & Circulation*


Cell Integrity

Supports Cell Integrity Throughout the Body*


Auto-Immune Support

Supports Normal Immune System Function*


Digestive Support

Cleanses The Digestive System


Platelet Count

May increase Platelet Count*


Liver Support

Supports Healthy Liver Function*



Powerful Antioxidant Properties*



Powerful Anti-Inflammatory Properties*


Joint Support

Supports Healthy Joints*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Learn about the Ultra-Powerful Ingredients



Artemisinin 99%STRENGTH

This potent 60X STRENGTH extract of Artemisia Annua stems is a part of ancient Chinese Medicine and won the Nobel Prize in 2015 for its use in the treatment of Malaria. It’s most widely used in Madagascar and other African Countries. This is one of the most well-studied ingredients, being the focus of over 100 studies demonstrating a broad range of potential benefits, especially its powerful anti-parasitic action.

Read Study

Mar 2020 "These results suggest that Papayal Leaf may have potential as an immunity-enhancing supplement."

Read Study

Mar 2020 "These results suggest that Papayal Leaf may have potential as an immunity-enhancing supplement."

  • 20mg per serving

    Equivalent to 1,200mg

  • 112+ Studies

  • 17+ Benefits


Andrographis 99%STRENGTH

This potent 40X STRENGTH extract of Kalmegh leaves has a long history as part of both Ayurvedic (Indian) Medicine as well as traditional Chinese Medicine and has recently grown in popularity in Thailand. It has been shown to support a healthy immune response through the modulation of the levels of immune cells in the blood and single-handedly outperforms most mainstream immune supplements.

Read Study

Mar 2020 "Study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one"

Read Study

Mar 2020 "Study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one"

Read Study

Mar 2020 "Study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one"

  • 50mg per serving

    Equivalent to 2,000mg

  • 71+ Studies

  • 24+ Benefits


Guava Leaf 20XSTRENGTH

Guava Leaf is widely used in Mexico, Central/South America as well as India. Traditionally used in Eastern medicine as a remedy for diarrhea and food poisoning, this is just the tip of the iceberg as it has demonstrated more potential benefits than any other ingredient in our formula. It is also one of the fastest acting ingredients for immune system support.

Read Study

Mar 2020 "Study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one"

Read Study

Mar 2020 "Study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one"

Read Study

Mar 2020 "Study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one"

  • 70mg per serving

    Equivalent to 1,400mg

  • 51+ Studies

  • 24+ Benefits



This powerful herb native to Europe, Africa, and parts of Asia has been approved for treating Bronchitis/Pneumonia symptoms in the EU and Germany. It offers extraordinary bronchial support and protection. A 2009 study involving 9,657 people (5,181 children) with bronchitis found that preparations of Ivy Leaf, given by mouth, for 7 days resulted in an improvement in symptoms in 95% of the study participants.

Read Study

Mar 2020 "Study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one"

Read Study

Mar 2020 "Study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one"

Read Study

Mar 2020 "Study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one"

  • 50mg per serving

    Equivalent to 1,000mg

  • 27+ Studies

  • 15+ Benefits


Papaya Extract 20XSTRENGTH

Papaya Extract is popular in South America, with multiple studies showing its potential effectiveness against Dengue fever as well as its potential to increase Platelet levels. This unique extract is incredibly potent even in doses as low as 2mg. Papaya extract contains unique plant compounds that have demonstrated broad pharmacological potential in test-tube and animal studies. Even though it is incredibly powerful, it’s been demonstrated to be safe and beneficial to consume on a daily basis

Read Study

Sept, 2021 "These results suggest that Papaya Extract may have potential as an immunity-enhancing supplement."

Read Study

July, 2021 "Papaya Extract has potential uses as a supplement for stimulating and treating disorders of the immune system"

Read Study

Apr, 2017 "Carica Papaya is orally active, safe and effectively modulates nonfunctional and functional immunological parameters of rats"

Read Study

Jan, 2020 "It can be concluded that Papaya Leaves extract can improve the immune system and reduce inflammation. Papaya leaves extract has potent anti-cancer properties."

Read Study

Feb, 2010 "Our results suggest that the Papayal extract may potentially provide the means for the treatment and prevention of selected human diseases such as cancer, various allergic disorders...."

Read Study

2017 "Papaya Extract can inhibit the proliferation of human breast cancer cells. Papaya extract can also induce apoptosis of breast cancer cells"

Read Study

Aug, 2017 "Results suggest Papaya Extract can mediate the release of platelets providing the means for the treatment and prevention of dengue."

  • 30mg per serving

    Equivalent to 600mg

  • 21+ Studies

  • 11+ Benefits


Bee Propolis 20XSTRENGTH

Bee Propolis is one of the world’s oldest ancient medicines, dating back 6,500 years. We were able to source a rare 20X strength extract. Its natural form is a hard brownish resin, a type of “cement” that bees produce from plant parts and sap and then use to extend and defend their hives. Bees produce many amazing things in addition to honey, and Bee Propolis is one of their most powerful and beneficial creations.

Read Study

Mar 2020 "Study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one"

Read Study

Mar 2020 "Study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one"

Read Study

Mar 2020 "Study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one"

  • 100mg per serving

    Equivalent to 2,000mg

  • 82+ Studies

  • 24+ Benefits


Vitamin D3 800 I U

Vitamin D3 has been proven to be one of the most essential vitamins for immune system health. Vitamin D can modulate both the innate and adaptive immune responses. In multiple studies, higher vitamin D levels were directly corrolated with less severe illness compared to individuals with lower Vitamin D levels exposed to the same pathogen. In addition, deficiency in vitamin D has been associated with increased autoimmunity as well as an increased susceptibility to infection.

Vitamin D levels build up in your body gradually over the course of several weeks, resulting in long-term benefits for those taking Artimuno Ultra™ regularly at the suggested maintenance amount. Our Vitamin D3 is derived from an all natural lanolin source.

*Vitamin D was added in our latest U2 formula.

Read Study

Mar 2020 "Study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one"

Read Study

Mar 2020 "Study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one"

Read Study

Mar 2020 "Study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one, study text for this one"

  • 800 IU per serving


  • 175+ Studies

  • 16+ Benefits

Adhering to the highest quality standards

Finest Quality & Purity.

Made In the USA

All Natural

Natural ingredients, no synthetic fillers


Gluten Free

Dairy Free

GMO Free

Preservative Free

Doctor Recommended

Our team coordinates with Physicians

Backed by Science

Ingredients featured in 100s of studies

cGMP Certified

Manufactured in a cGMP Certified Lab

Tested for Heavy Metals

California Heavy Metal Compliant

Tested for Microbes

3rd Party LAB Tested
Live your Life Fully and Confidently Again*

A World Without Fear.

There's nothing worse than fear and uncertainty when it comes to your health and immune system. We all want to be confident that our immune system is capable of handling whatever life throws our way.

We want to go about our daily lives confidently and do what we enjoy, spend time with family, all while knowing deep inside that our immune system is working optimally to protect us.

In today's uncertain times, while you can't predict what new threat is just around the corner, you can ensure your immune system is ready and at it's peak to handle whatever the next challenge is.

Artimuno Ultra™ offers the best profession-grade immune support available, giving you the confidence you need to take on the world! Be confident knowing that 6 ultra-powerful extracts are super-charging your immune system while you go about your day.

And at times when you feel your immune system needs a greater boost, simply follow our pro-active immunity boost protocol (See "How do I use Artimuno Ultra™" in the FAQ)

*DISCLAIMER: Artimuno Ultra is a dietary supplement formulated to give your immune system an ultra boost. It does not prevent or act as a prophylactic against any disease. It is generally accepted by doctors and scientists that individuals with stronger/healthier immune systems are less prone to disease. An example of this principle is found in immune-compromised people, including those with genetic immune disorders and immune-debilitating infections like HIV who are susceptible to a range of microbes that typically do not cause infection in healthy individuals. SOURCE


We started Artimuno with the goal of helping people, not to make a quick buck. We strongly feel you shouldn’t pay for supplements that don’t work for you. So we've taken away the uncertainly of trying a new product:

  • 100% Risk-Free:If you are not satisfied for any reason, just contact us and we'll give you a full refund, including shipping. We are that confident!
  • Full 60 Days to Try:You have a full 60 days to try the product. This should give you plenty of time to determine if it works for you. (Even if you're on day 62, we will still help you out!)
  • 100% Hassle-Free:If you purchase 1 bottle, there's no need to return the product. (For multiple-bottle orders, just return the unused bottles.)
  • Fast Resolution:You'll get your refund in just a few days. (Some companies make you wait weeks!)
  • Complete Satisfaction:We stand behind our products. If there's something wrong with your bottle, we'll send you a replacement bottle free of charge.

*Only applies to purchases made directly on our website. (If you purchased from a distributor, contact them about their refund policies.)

*One refund request per customer/address

*If you open a 2nd bottle, you no longer qualify for the guarantee (fair, right?)

We love to get your feedback!

See What Customers Say.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cons ectetur adipisicing elit, sed do ei usmod tempor incididunt ut labril ore et dolore magna aliqua.

Rosalina D.
New York, NY

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cons ectetur adipisicing elit, sed do ei usmod tempor incididunt ut labril ore et dolore magna aliqua.

William M.
Chicago, IL

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cons ectetur adipisicing elit, sed do ei usmod tempor incididunt ut labril ore et dolore magna aliqua.

Timothy B.
Houston, TX

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cons ectetur adipisicing elit, sed do ei usmod tempor incididunt ut labril ore et dolore magna aliqua.

Jonathan W.
Jacksonville, FL
Give your Immune System an Ultra Boost!

Special Promotion

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Supplies are currently very limited so click to order below! Once current stock runs out, we won't have any more available until .

1 Bottle


$69 per bottle



3 Bottles


$59 per bottle



Best Value

6 Bottles


$49 per bottle



You’re standing at a crossroads and you’re facing 2 choices:

Option 1 Continue consuming inferior immune boosters, or none at all... and leave your immune system wide open to attacks from a variety of pathogens and susceptible to many auto-immune conditions.

Option 2 Start using Artimuno Ultra™, dramatically optimize your immune system, support key organs, your gut health, and key bodily functions for optimal health.

To make the choice easier, we offer a Risk-Free 60-DAY 100% Money Back Guarantee. You have nothing to lose by ordering, and a lot to lose by missing out!


Questions? We've got Answers.

"Art" + "imuno" (Pronounced like Immunology).

Artimuno Ultra™ is 100% Natural. The 7 ingredients in our formula are extracts of plant leaves/stems, bee products, and other natural sources. Our capsules are made from a natural vegatarian source. Even our filler is made of natural rice fiber, with no synthethic fillers or binders.

Yes. All of our ingredients are natural plant based and bee product based. Our filler is pure rice fiber without any additives or preservatives. We use K-CAPS® Vegetarian Capsules which are produced with 100% plant-derived material (HPMC) and purified water. HPMC is a wood pulp derived from softwood tree species including Pine and Spruce.

An extract simply means extracting the beneficial parts of a plant and concentrating them. (Similar to buying frozen juice concentrate) When we use the term "Ultra Extract", we are referring to exceptional strength & potency of our ingredients. Most extracts you find in supplements range from 1X - 5X strength, whereas we use 20X strength or higher!

For example a 20X (20:1) Extract means we took 1,000 mg of raw plant material and extracted the active/potent parts of the plant to obtain just 50mg of extract. Now you can consume this 50mg extract and get the same benefits as if you had consumed the raw 1,000mg.

This innovative extraction process allows us to fit the equivalent of 9,500mg (0.35 oz) of raw plant & bee products into just 1 capsule!

Extracts can be in powder or liquid form, so the word "extract" does not imply liquid or powder, it just implies that it's concentrated. All of our extracts are in powder form so they can be prepared into capsules.

Our Artimuno Ultra™ ingredients consist of 2 TYPES of extracts:

A) Full-Sprectrum extracts, where you maintain all the components in the same ratio that the original plant had.
In our Formula, Guava Leaf, Ivy Leaf, Papaya Extract, and Bee Propolis are all Full-Spectrum extracts. (Each 20X Strength)

B) Targeted extracts that extract one key compound from a plant, usually the most powerful/effective one.
In our Formula, Artemisinin is an isolated compound of Artemisia Annua leaves, and Andrographis is an isolated compound of Kalmegh leaves. Both are highly concentrated at 98%+ with 100+ studies behind them, including a Nobel Prize.

Neither type of extract is "better". It really depends on the plant as well as the purpose of the formula.

NOTE 1: Beware of companies promoting extracts that do not disclose the extract strength. An extract can be 1:1, in which case it's essentially the raw plant at 1X strength.
NOTE 2: Some companies will list a "Proprietary Blend" of ingredients on the label, and not disclose the amount of each ingredient. This makes it difficult for consumers to compare products, as you can't tell how much of each ingredient is in the product.

As a dietary supplement and for day to day immune support, take 1 capsule, 1-2x/day.
For a pro-active immunity boost, take 1 capsule 3x/day for up to 10 days.


If you weigh under 120lb:
As a dietary supplement and for day to day immune support, take 1 capsule, 1x/day.
For a pro-active immune boost, take 1 capsule 2x/day for up to 10 days.

If you weigh over 300lb:
As a dietary supplement and for day to day immune support, take 1 capsule, 2x/day.
For a pro-active immune boost, take 1 capsule 4x/day for up to 10 days.


If you are using the pro-active immunity boost protocol (1 capsule 3x/day) and not seeing results after 2 days, increase to 2 capsules, 4x/day. (8 capsules/day total) We have received one report of a user requiring 3 capsules, 4x/day (12 capsules/day total) to see results. IMPORTANT: Do not maintain for more than a few days. Reduce back to normal once you start seeing results.


Some people may be more sensitive. If 1 capsule seems too much for you, you can purchase Empty Capsules and split each capsule in half, 1/3, or even smaller quantities. The formula is quite potent even in small amounts! We don't recommend consuming the powder without capsules as it can be quite bitter, but you can try mixing the powder with some juice.

Artimuno Ultra™ is a dietary supplement. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

However, whatever illness or condition you are dealing with, an optimally functioning immune system is key to regaining your health. And Artimuno Ultra™ is the fastest way to boost and regulate your immune system. Many customers report very positive outcomes in just a few days. But this will vary from person to person. Depending on the state of your immune system, and what you are dealing with, sometimes it may take a few weeks to really get your immune system back on track, but you should notice a positive trend quickly.

Everybody's body is different and is sensitive to different things. Most supplement companies do not mention this, but even with 100% natural products, some people may experience mild side effects.

Artimuno Ultra™ contains very potent extracts, so a small percentage of consumers may experience some discomfort such as mild loss of appetite, diarrhea/constipation, headache, dizziness, or inflamed cuticles/nailbed. It's important to understand that Artimuno Ultra™ has a cleansing effect on the digestive system, so you may notice some changes/discomfort in your digestion which may seem concerning but is just the digestive system cleansing itself and will usually resolve within a few days. We are careful to ensure all ingredients we use do not directly irritate the stomache. (Our team members have sensitive stomaches) If you do experience any of these side effects, it's important to reduce the number of capsules you are consuming. If the side effects are more than mild, pause for a day or two. It's important to listen to your body and don't push it. More is not always better.

All side effects we have observed are generally mild and resolve quickly after discontinuing the use of the product.

In the rare event that you experience more intense side effects or an allergic reaction, discontinue the use of the product immediately and consult your physician.

A small percentage of people may be allergic to one or more ingredients. Do not use if you have a known allergy to bee products (such as honey) or any of the listed ingredients.

Artimuno Ultra™ has a variety of potential benefits that need to be considered in regards to certain medications. Specifically, it's potential to regulate blood sugar levels, blood pressure, and it's anticoagulant properties.

If you are taking medications for lowering blood sugar, keep a closer eye on your sugar levels.
If you are taking medications for lowering blood pressure, keep a closer eye on your blood pressure readings.
If you are taking blood thinners such as Warfarin, keep a closer eye for any unusual symptoms and your INR results.

We have not yet had any reports of issues in combination with these types of medications, but it's best to keep a closer eye on your levels to be safe. Always consult your physician.

No, the formula is designed for those over 18. The safety of all ingredients in children has not been well established, and the quantity of each ingredient per capsule is too high for children. There are some studies and articles that provide information on individual ingredients' usage by children. (Coming Soon) If you still decide to give the formula to children, do not give children more than 1/4 capsule 1x/day. You can purchase Empty Capsules and split each capsule into 4 parts.

We don't advise using the product while breastfeeding, but you and your physician can perform a risk-benefit analysis based on the available information about each ingredient.

If you do choose to use the product while breastfeeding, withhold breastfeeding for 6 hours after consuming a capsule (or as many hours as possible) to markedly reduce the amount of each supplement the infant is exposed to via breastfeeding. You can take capsules 2X/day instead of 3X/day to aid in this when using the pro-active immune boosting protocol.

Below is some information on each of the ingredients in regards to breastfeeding:

*We are not affiliated with any of the links or products above. Always do your own additional research and consult your physician.

We are constantly improving the Artimuno Ultra formula. As new threats to our immune system are emerging at a rapid pace, our formula evolves to handle them. Below is a comparison chart of our past & current formulas.

There are 2 ingredients in Artimuno Ultra that are controversial among vegans.

The 1st is Bee Propolis. While some vegans consume bee products such as honey, others do not.

If you've looked into honey production/harvesting, it's important to understand that Propolis serves a very different purpose in the hive and is harvested much differently than honey.

Bees make propolis from tree resins that they collect from leaf buds and tree sap. Harvesting propolis from the hive does not take away the bee's food supply, does not effect their health, and does not cause them discomfort or harm. To harvest propolis, the beekeeper places a flexible plastic screen with cracks on top of the frames in the hive, underneath the hive cover. The fastidious bees will quickly work to seal all of the cracks with propolis. This plastic screen can then be easily removed by the beekeeper without effecting the bees.

People follow a vegan lifestyle for different reasons, so determining if you choose to consume bee products, or specifically Propolis is a personal decision. You also need to evaluate your priorities. What is more important to you: to maintain your vegan principles without exception, or get the best immune support possible? There is no wrong answer, it's a personal decision after all, but it is a question you should consider.

Some more food for thought:

The food vegans eat relies on the pollination services of honeybees, and if beekeeping did not exist, honeybees would not exist in North America. Many key fruit and vegetable crops such as apples, brussels sprouts, and pumpkins depend on their pollen to reproduce. If a bee pollinated a food you consume, does that mean it's been processed by animals?

The bee population is already struggling, and without us supporting institutionalised bee keeping, their numbers will only decline further. Bees are a vital part of the ecosystem as they are natural pollinators. Their extinction could lead to major damage to plant diversity.

Beekeepers can save a whole hive from an invasion of deadly mites (arroa destructor) through various methods, while in the wild the same hive would perish.

We support ethical beekeeping and insist our Propolis suppliers adhere to ethical practices.

The 2nd controversial ingredient is Vitamin D3, which is derived from lanolin that is extracted from sheep's wool after it has been sheared.

Here are some points to help answer the question: Is sheep's wool Vegan?
Sheep are not bred or sheared specifically for the purpose of producing Vitamin D3, hence the breeding and shearing would happen regardless of your consumption of Vitamin D3.

For those that decide to stick to a strict vegan diet, all is not lost! You can still purchase just the vegan ingredients that are part of our formula and still attain many of the benefits. While this approach requires more effort, is more costly, and most of the individual ingredients are less potent, you will still be able to take advantage of many of the benefits our formula has to offer. Contact us for a list of recommended 3rd party suppliers (we do not supply individual ingredients ourselves).
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